Dining FAQs

Dining FAQs

Dining FAQs

All of your dining questions in one spot! If you do not see an answer to your question, email dining@uccs.edu.

Meal Plans

Am I required to purchase a meal plan?
What are my meal options?
Can I give a friend my ID card for meals?
Can I use my dining plan without my Mobile ID?
When does my meal plan start and expire?
Can I change the type of meal plan that I have?
Are there weekly limits on how many times I can use my plan?
How can a friend join me for a meal?
Do I get a refund if I withdraw from the University?
Can I get a refund on my commuter meal plan?
I'm a commuter, can I get a meal plan even though I don't live on campus?

Retail Swipes

What are Retail Swipes?
How do I use a Retail Swipe
Do I get Meal Swipes in addition to Retail Swipes?

Clyde's Cash and Flex Dollars

What is Clyde's Cash?
What are Flex Dollars?

Campus Dining Facilities

Do you have online menus?
Are you hiring?
What does DHS do to handle special diets and allergies?
Am I allowed to take food out of the residence hall?
Does DHS ever have special events?
Are meals available during holidays and breaks?

Mobile Ordering

How does mobile ordering work?
How do I use eAccounts for meal swipes and Clyde's Cash?
Are the incentives for mobile ordering?

Dining Glossary

Dining Glossary